All Hail The New King: Technology
Knowledge, technology and innovation are the foundations of any future, but in an era of rapid and continual change, visions of what the future looks like are increasingly varied, and different versions of the new normal are emerging.
As we rethink how we will move across borders/sectors to create new opportunities, we see one sector in particular continuing to thrive – Technology. But as the global economy becomes more digitized, online sellers will have a plethora of issues to consider, for instance, digital services taxation. So, where do we go from here?
Dealing with the “New” Normal: First Start with What We Know.
We see tensions with China continuing to escalate, we see negative growth with high unemployment rates, and while it seems like we are only at the start of this economic downturn, we are witness to a multitude of cross industry opportunities and beneficiaries.
When it comes to positioning industries for the New Normal, technology has allowed people and companies to stay connected, and remain in business, and now the industry is poised to emerge stronger than ever.
All Hail the New King: Technology.
Digital transformation without a workforce strategy is just optimisation. Tech leaders will be defined by what they do along all dimensions of managing this crisis.
“The Future will be written on the back of today’s choices. Seizing the opportunity to reshape instead of retreating to what is familiar requires a transformative mindset.”
Max Loh
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